This phrase triggers a multitude of feelings. It can be a question and it can be an exclamation. It can be a regret or a buried answer under a pile of books and papers. It can be a streak of tears too.
Education is key to get out of poverty. On an individual basis, getting educated multiplies one’s income and reduces the likelihood of being unemployed. According to data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics a person with an associate degree earns in average twice as a person without high school diploma, while if the person has a doctoral degree, the income is twice as much as the individual with the associate degree. More strikingly, a person with a graduate degree is 2 to 3 times less likely to be unemployed.
At the national level, counting with more “sophisticated” individuals makes the society less vulnerable.
The PhD is the crown of the educational process. Rather than soldiers, a nation needs an army of PhD’s. Do you know that in Finland, the country with the best school system of the world, the principal of every school must have at least a Masters degree. Such goal makes obvious that every country needs thousands of thousands of people with advanced degrees. As a minimum, every university professor should have a PhD.
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