Well, this might not be the best example, but clearly, at least to me, the answer is NO. Absolutely, Einstein was extremely inquisitive and creative. And he was in the right place, in Switzerland. Right place because he had access to a library and teachers. But the key resides in his attitude, the exercise of freedom. Especially freedom to think limitless, with the willingness to ask anything and the determination and abnegation to pursue the answer
What seems possible, is that without the proper intellectual environment, one can end up giving up, earlier.
Therefore, it is key to weed out the garden by checking the productivity of each thinker and doer.
Thinking is inexpensive, and with today’s access to knowledge, there is no excuse.
If the system does not improve, it could be because it is managed by the mediocre, and they will not make room for better people. And, unfortunately, they could not even recognize their own contribution to the problem. Here is where management is essential. That is politics. Someone has to execute the role of the owner to protect the investment as such. Because someone is paying salaries, electricity, water, etc. That someone is typically the taxpayer. And the taxpayer is not aware of what is going on.
Higher education is more than an assembly line of professionals. The knowledge that is taught is old stuff. Even quantum mechanics and relativity, by now, are about 100 years old.
The teachers must show that they can do more than teaching. And they have to produce their own questions, or at least, be aware and contribute to answer questions proposed by others. The judgment of this is not difficult. Just count the number of patents, papers, books, poems, songs, plays, paints, and artifacts. If you pay taxes, you are the owner and have the right to expect more and should demand more, weeding out early because time is precious. As you are the owner, the law can not be an obstacle to improve the system. That includes getting rid of the mediocre.
But where do you find replacements? Anywhere. This is the 21st century. You can post jobs on Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, etc. And this cost nothing. If the candidates do not speak your language, give them time to learn it. Gathering good people is key to create the proper intellectual environment. And finally, no secrets. There needs to be a webpage for each and every teacher, and it has to be up to date. Because we all need to know what is the teacher doing with his or her time. And because of his or her determination and abnegation, time will never be a constrain.
And of course, they have to be compensated properly. How much? Well, let’s allow the free market to make the decision. Compare and keep comparing, what others do overseas and do not pay more. It’s an investment. The books, plays, songs, inventions, papers, paintings, artifacts, methodologies, …, will payback. Higher education is more than an assembly line of professionals.